Iranian Forces kill Jaish al Adl militant group commander in Pakistan jpg

Iranian Forces kill Jaish al-Adl militant group commander in Pakistan

Iranian forces have reportedly killed senior Jaish al-Adl militant group commander Ismail Shahbakhsh and some of his companions in Pakistan. The incident occurred one month after the two countries conducted airstrikes on each other’s territories. According to Iran international media, military forces engaged in armed clash inside Pakistani territory to eliminate the militants.

Jaish al-Adl, identified as a Sunni extremist organization and designated as a terrorist group by Iran, mainly operates in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan. The tension between Iran and Pakistan had surged following the airstrikes, leading to the recall of ambassadors from both countries. Pakistan raised concerns about Baloch terrorist outfits finding sanctuary in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchistan province, while Tehran alleged that anti-Iran militant groups like Jaish al-Adl have hideouts in Balochistan province of Pakistan.

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After diplomatic efforts, Iran and Pakistan have restored bilateral ties and agreed to reinstate the ambassadors. The recent military operation targeting Ismail Shahbakhsh and his associates reflects the ongoing security challenges faced by both nations along their border regions. The incident underscores the complex dynamics of regional security and the persistent threat posed by extremist groups operating in the border areas.

The details of the armed clash and the specific circumstances surrounding the death of Ismail Shahbakhsh remain unclear. However, the incident highlights the continuing efforts by Iranian forces to combat terrorism and secure their borders from militant threats. The development serves as a reminder of the volatile environment in the border regions between Iran and Pakistan, where extremist groups often operate with impunity, posing a significant security risk to both countries.

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