Fannita Calls Out Zach Justice For Making Racist Jokes On Tiktok

Fannita Calls Out Zach Justice For Making Racist Jokes On Tiktok

Remember when as a child our parents used to warn us to not say anything without thinking twice in front of strangers? Yeah, that’s what happened here. Fannita and Zach Justice are quite famous people on social media. Zach invited her over for a podcast interview, which went well, but everything started falling apparent right after that.

Though podcast necessarily means only voice recording of the interview, for some reason people like to post the video online as well, defying the whole concept of the podcast, but who are we to just any way? So Zach was on TikTok answering a few questions he got from his fans. One of them was a query about him being intimate with Fannita post the interview.

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Fannita Calls Out Zach Justice For Making Racist Jokes

Zach in a viral tiktok video joked without even thinking that it might just reach Fannita and that he should joke about something so sensitive on the internet without her consent. But he relied on that they did get together and the whole act was recorded and he hoped that she liked it. However it was a joke, he made it all up, but things did not go down well.

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Fannita roasted Zach badly after getting to know about this. She replied, “I don’t like you. I haven’t spoken to you since we filmed our podcast episode and I pray I can keep it like that. Keep my name out of your mouth and don’t use my black a** as a cop-out for your racist a** rhetoric you f**king loser.”

Turns out Fannita isn’t a very big fan of Zach after all. But on the other hand, joking about something like that and addressing someone who you’ve had an interview with as a ‘baby girl’ is kind of a loser move. So this whole thing is on Zach Justice anyway.

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